Hole Specialists Inc. is a leader in the gundrilling industry, and it provides services in a high-quality, safe and cost-effective manner.
Other services include CNC drilling, deep hole drilling, honing services, pull bore, trepan, straighten and turning.
Gundrilling falls under the category of deep hole drilling. It uses a long tool to create holes in metal with depths are higher than their diameters. The diameters themselves are 1-50 mm.
The specific tool used, a gundrill, has an edge that, as it’s moving through the workpiece, clears away chips, making the process more effective. This process surpasses what a conventional machine might be able to achieve due to the high pressure coolant.
Originally, gundrilling was created for the purpose of making gun barrels, and this is still one of the main categories of application. The gundrilling process has been refined so it can be used on modern machines and ensure high-quality performance. Industries that utilize gundrilling are medical tooling and plastic injection molds; musical instruments, cylinder heads and combustion engine components are a few common uses.
Gundrilling can be used on typical CNC machines, of which Hole Specialists Inc. has 12.
The company also has 6 machines with counter rotate capabilities and 8 small capacity machines .078”-.750”. The company also has 2 Large capacity counter rotators, as well as 3 Large hole on center machines able to handle larger ODs and holes up to 8.250.”
The hole types include thru holes, blind holes, intersecting holes and angle holes, among others. The company maintains .001 per inch drift and +/-.001 on hole size.
Holes whose depth-to-diameter ratios are at least 20:1 need specialized equipment to ensure that the process is both reliable and productive.
The difference between gundrilling and BTA is that the gun drilling process is utilized for holes that have smaller diameters (no more than 50 mm). Also, gundrilling introduces coolant internally, while BTA drilling introduces it externally.
The best specifications for gun drilling processes differ depending on the diameter of the hole. For example, diameters of 1-3 mm are possible with the use of the right equipment, 3-25 and 25-50 mm are common and 50-75 mm is possible, but it won’t work as well compared to BTA drilling.
And in terms of the best depth-to-diameter ratios for gundrilling, those sizes tend to require different materials and equipment. For instance, a 5:1 D:d ratio requires common twist drills, a 100:1 ratio requires gundrilling tools on a dedicated gundrilling machine.
The gundrilling processes works as follows. A motor moves the tool or workpiece as coolant is moved through the middle of the gun drill tool. A bushing helps ensure that the tool moves properly into the workpiece. As mentioned earlier, because the coolant is high-pressure, this ensures that chips are moved away during the drilling processes, eliminating the need for interruption to complete that task.
There are multiple different components for the machines themselves, and they include drill guide bushing, chip box, whip guides, drilling spindle, coolant system and coolant temperature control.
Hole Specialists Inc. also specializes in prototypes. It also offers a Quality Assurance Policy.
The company serves industries including military, automotive, food, printing, mold manufacturing, steel, manufacturing, composites, medical, oil & gas and job shops.
Hole Specialists Inc. is located in Tomball, Texas and has been satisfying customer demands since 1993.
Contact us for your gundrilling consultation.
Gundrilling machines require multiple different components include drill guide bushing, chip box and whip guides.
Hole Specialists Inc. has 12 CNC gun drill machines.
Gundrilling was originally created for the making of gun barrels.
Hole Specialists Inc. is located in Tomball, Texas and offers services in gundrilling.
Gundrilling falls under the larger category of deep hole drilling.