CNC Drilling

Hole Specialists Inc. is a leader in the computer numerical control (CNC) drilling industry, and it provides services in a high-quality, safe and cost-effective manner.

Other services include gun drilling, deep hole drilling, honing services, pull bore, trepan, straighten and turning.

CNC machining is used in manufacturing to transform a workpiece into a custom part. The process itself can be used for materials from wood to glass to foam and others.

CNC machining serves as an example of a subtractive manufacturing process, meaning parts of the workpiece are being removed to reach a final product. The opposite of this concept is called an additive manufacturing process.

Because CNC is run by computers, the process itself offers precision and accuracy and is also cost-effective, though design creativity may be restrained by what computers can interpret and implement.

The machining process itself consists of four steps: designing the CAD model, moving the CAD file to a CNC program, getting the CNC machine ready and completing the machining operation.

The CAD model is a design plan, complete with the product’s dimensions and details. That file is then converted to a CNC program, so the computer is able to interpret the coding instructions and create the desired product.

Next, the machine is set up — the workpiece is placed on the machine (on machinery spindles), and/or drill bits and end mills are added as needed. Afterward, the operation commences, with the CNC program guiding the machine to complete the desired task.

CNC drilling is part of the CNC machining processes. It uses drill bits to create holes shaped like cylinders in workpieces. The holes themselves usually match the diameter of the drill bit used, and the bit enters the workpiece perpendicularly.

A benefit to the drill bits’ design is that the excess material moves away from the workpiece.

Hole Specialists Inc. has 12 CNC gun drilling machines, 6 machines with counter rotate capabilities and 8 small capacity machines .078”-.750”. The company also has 2 Large capacity counter rotators, as well as 3 Large hole on center machines able to handle larger ODs and holes up to 8.250.”

The hole types include thru holes, blind holes, intersecting holes and angle holes, among others. The company maintains .001 per inch drift and +/-.001 on hole size.

Hole Specialists Inc. also specializes in prototypes. It also offers a Quality Assurance Policy.

The company serves industries including military, automotive, food, printing, mold manufacturing, steel, manufacturing, composites, medical, oil & gas and job shops.

Hole Specialists Inc. is located in Tomball, Texas and has been satisfying customer demands since 1993.

Contact us for your CNC drilling consultation.

CNC machining transforms a workpiece into a custom part.

The CNC process itself can be used with multiple materials from wood to glass.

The company has 12 CNC gun drilling machines.

The CNC machining process has four steps.

Hole Specialists Inc. serves multiple industries including automotive, food, printing and others.

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